The Truth About Nanoblading: What You Need to Know

What is Nanoblading?

Nanoblading, as the name suggests, implies the use of a finer blade compared to traditional microblading. With advancements in technology, the thinnest blade available today is 0.14 mm, which is often referred to as a nanoblade. Despite the terminology, the fundamental technique remains the same as microblading. This technique involves making precise cuts in the skin and implanting pigment to create natural-looking eyebrows. The goal is to ensure optimal and lasting results through multiple passes to implant the pigment effectively.

The Rising Concerns with Nanoblading

While nanoblading should technically be a refined version of microblading, issues arise when the term is misused. A troubling trend, particularly originating from Brazil and spreading rapidly in Portugal, involves using the term "nanoblading" to market a less thorough and less effective procedure. In this context, nanoblading often refers to a microblading treatment that is only partially completed. Artists may make initial cuts and apply a pigment mask but fail to adequately rework the strokes to ensure the pigment's longevity and uniform healing.

The Problem with Incomplete Nanoblading

This incomplete approach can produce beautiful initial results, with eyebrows appearing natural and well-defined. However, these results are short-lived. Without the necessary repetition of strokes to embed the pigment deeply, the pigment will not hold well, leading to uneven and fleeting results. Clients might notice that the pigment fades quickly, leaving them with broken or incomplete strokes. This practice is deceptive and can be considered a scam, as it promises long-lasting results but fails to deliver.

Microblading Treatment

Identifying Authentic Nanoblading

When considering nanoblading, it is essential to distinguish between genuine applications of the technique and misleading marketing. Here are some tips to ensure you make the right choice:

1. Clarify Technique:

Confirm that the artist uses the nanoblade for its intended purpose—creating fine, detailed strokes with multiple passes to ensure durability.

2. Review Healed Results:

Look for examples of healed results in the artist’s portfolio. Authentic nanoblading should show consistent, well-healed strokes that maintain their integrity over time. Be cautious if you only see fresh work and not healed results.

3. Examine Close-Up Photos:

Insist on viewing close-up photos of the work under good lighting. Some artists may show work from a distance, which can hide imperfections and the true quality of the strokes.

4. Check for Full Reconstructive Work:

Reliable artists will show before-and-after photos, including cases where significant reconstruction was necessary. This can demonstrate the technique’s effectiveness in various scenarios.

5. Beware of Overpromising:

Be skeptical of claims that seem too good to be true. Quality nanoblading requires expertise, time, and meticulous attention to detail.

Addressing Common Misconceptions

It’s also essential to address some common misconceptions about nanoblading. Some artists misleadingly claim that nanoblading is not a form of tattooing. This is simply not true. Any procedure that involves implanting pigment into the skin is, by definition, a form of tattooing. Denying this fact can be misleading and unprofessional. If the pigment isn’t implanted deeply enough, it won’t last, which defeats the purpose of the procedure.Ephidermid  The lack of professional standards and competence among some practitioners is alarming and undermines the credibility of the industry.

Additionally, it’s important to consider the skin’s natural cell turnover rate, which ranges from 28 to 60 days. If the pigment is not implanted at the correct depth, specifically the upper dermis, but instead remains in the epidermis, it will be naturally exfoliated within this timeframe. Thus, nanoblading that claims to last longer but is not implanted correctly is either misleading or must penetrate deeper, confirming it as a tattoo. Not a magic.

The Ethical Consideration

Ethics are paramount in the realm of dermopigmentation. Genuine artists prioritize client satisfaction and transparency, continually refining their skills through education and practice. Better avoid misleading artists with overblown promises and incomplete techniques. Unfortunately, the market includes individuals who exploit the term "nanoblading" for financial gain, compromising the treatment's integrity.


Nanoblading, when performed correctly, can offer beautiful and natural-looking results. However, it's crucial to be aware of the potential for misuse and to carefully evaluate the credentials and work of your chosen artist. Always prioritize quality, transparency, and evidence of healed results over marketing claims. By being diligent and informed, you can ensure a positive and lasting outcome for your dermopigmentation treatment.

Understanding these nuances helps protect you from ineffective treatments and ensures you receive the quality service you deserve. Choose wisely, and prioritize the expertise and integrity of the artist over the allure of trendy terms.